Skills and Drills Youth Camp brings Long Island High School students together

Putting the “Student” back in “Student Athlete” the D’Brickashaw Ferguson Foundation held it’s first Skills and Drills Youth Camp for Long Island High School students. Unlike the skills and drills camp you would expect from a Pro-Bowl lineman, this camp focused on getting students ready for college by arming them with the knowledge they need, to be successful in a college environment.

Six different High Schools congregated at Hofstra University to take part in three seminars : Extreme Makeover – The College Edition, Getting Involved and Developing Networking Skills and I Need Money!!. These three seminars were the accumulation of careful planning and tireless work by the Board member of the foundation and other stakeholders who wanted to put together a program that would educate students on subjects that are often overlooked.

“These skills are important, now I know how to stay out of debt before it is to late.” ~ Freeport High School Student

The event wasn’t all work as students took part in the first ever “Brick Bowl” Flag Football Championship. Students from every high school were broken up into teams and learned how to work together with people whom they have never seen before.

“This is like college and the NFL, you don’t always get to play with your friends.” D’Brickashaw told aclique of students that wanted to play together. Valuable lessons like this and many others were taught from the opening lecture to the closing ceremony. With this event in the books the foundation has laid another brick in the journey to build and strengthen communities though the youths it encounters.

If you would like to see more on the Skills and Drills Youth Conference please watch this video of the event or take a look at our image gallery for more pictures of the event.